793.94/2115: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State


200. My 195, October 13, 5 [9] p.m. The Council did not meet today. Council members spent the day in private conversations on the situation.

I have just been informed by Drummond as follows:

The question has been broached informally by Briand to his Council colleagues representing the great powers that the United States be invited to take a seat at the table of the Council if the Kellogg Pact comes under discussion. They unanimously approved it. For reasons of policy, Briand then regarded it as incumbent upon him to take up the question with the parties to the dispute. In reply, Yoshizawa said he would be obliged to consult Tokyo as this was a new point. There appears to be small doubt of Japan’s strong objection to the extension of such an invitation; and Yoshizawa’s statement that he must ask his Government for instructions is construed to mean he desires at least to delay the taking of this action as long as possible.

The principal members of the Council are anxious to hold a meeting of that group tomorrow and to take up at that time the question of inviting the United States. Japan wishes such a meeting to be put off until October 16, but now it is decided tentatively to hold the meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow.

Drummond desires that I make clear to you that there was no wish here to delay matters, but it was deemed desirable to allow the Japanese representative an opportunity of communicating with his Government.

I shall report developments.
