793.94/2094: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 13—11:38 p.m.]
764. Reuter report from Nanking [, October] 12, states that at a political meeting this [that?] morning General Chiang Kai-shek animadverted strongly on the Sino-Japanese situation.
He said he hoped League of Nations would take steps for just settlement of imbroglio and prevent almost inevitable war. Trusted League would take proper measures to bring home to Japan her errors in refusing to abide by League’s decisions and in occupying Chinese territory without justifiable grounds.
General Chiang declared that National Government of China had appealed to League because being member of it China was under obligations to comply with provisions of Covenant.
He declared Japanese allegation that China went to League for protection was false.
National Government’s patience had been tested to last degree. If League failed, China would take matter into her own hands. “China respects Covenant of League and Kellogg Pact but if signatories to League and Kellogg Pact fail to uphold their sacred duties China will not hesitate to make the supreme sacrifice of bankrupting country for half century to go to war to uphold dignity and sacred rights of international agreements and safeguard world peace.”