The Japanese Consul General at Mukden (Hayashi) to the American Consul General at Mukden (Myers)16
Sir and Dear Colleague: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated October 6, 1931, in which you state that anxiety has been expressed by American residents in the Commercial Settlement here in regard to their personal safety, owing to the growing frequency of acts of armed robbery and banditry during the past week. You also express therein the desire that appropriate steps are being taken for the effective policing of that area.
In reply, I beg to state that I have requested the Japanese Military Authorities to take necessary steps in compliance with your desire, as they actually are charged with the maintenance of peace and order in this town, inasmuch as the competent Chinese authorities remain inactive.
I have [etc.]
- Copy transmitted to the Department by the Consul General at Mukden in his unnumbered despatch of October 12; received October 30.↩