793.94/1963: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 1:10 p.m.]
687. Following from Lieutenant Brown, Mukden, to Naval Attaché, Peiping:
“October 1, 11 a.m. Military occupation essentially unchanged with one battalion Japanese forces sent from Tiehling and Kaiyuan to the country districts 70 miles northeast Mukden due to the Sino-Korean-Japanese disorders wherein it is claimed 10 Japanese, 10 Koreans killed with several Korean citizens kidnapped; some 5,000 Chinese forces in that region. Japanese authorities here give much prominence to move of Chinese to form independent Manchurian government, representing this action as desired on part of all classes of Chinese to separate themselves from the other old regime. There is little evidence of any return to normal economic conditions.”