793.94/1952: Telegram

The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State

170. Japanese General Staff today gives Military Attaché following distribution of Japanese troops in Manchuria for 29th September:

Second Division, main body Changchun, 1,500 Kirin; Thirty-ninth Brigade from Korea, main body Mukden, 500 Chengchiatun, 250 east of river, Hsinmintun.

Railway guards; Fifth Battalion, Kirin, Changchun; First Battalion, Changchun, Ssupingkai; Sixth Battalion, Ssupingkai, Chengchiatun; Second Battalion, Ssupingkai, Mukden; Third Battalion, Mukden to Antung and Yingkou.

One battalion moving October 1st to [garbled] east of Tiehling where many Koreans have been reported killed.

Repeated to Peiping.
