Executive Agreement Series No. 25
The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Shidehara) to the American Ambassador in Japan (Forbes)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your notes of March 30 and August 25, 1931, regarding mutual recognition between Japan and the United States of load-line certificates.
Besides recognizing the load-line certificates issued by the American Bureau of Shipping to American ships, the Imperial Government has no objection to recognizing the load-line certificates issued to American ships by the American committee of Lloyds’ Registry of Shipping and the American representative of the Bureau Veritas in so far only as they are issued under authority granted by Your Excellency’s Government.
For purposes of reference it is desired to have at hand forms of the certificates issued by the American committee of Lloyds’ Registry of Shipping and by the American representatives of the Bureau Veritas, and I have therefore the honor to request that copies be transmitted to me as soon as possible.
I avail myself [etc.]