
Statement by the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Matsuoka), August 1, 194095

I have always said that the mission of Japan is to proclaim and demonstrate the kodo (Imperial way) throughout the world. Viewed from the standpoint of international relations, this amounts, I think, to enabling all nations and races to find each its proper place in the world. Accordingly the immediate aim of our foreign policy at present is to establish, in accordance with the lofty spirit of the kodo, a great East Asian chain of common prosperity with the Japan-Man-choukuo-China group as one of the links. We shall thus be able to demonstrate the kodo in the most effective manner, and pave the way toward the establishment of an equitable world peace. We should be resolved to surmount all obstacles, both material and spiritual, lying in our path. Furthermore, in concert with those friendly Powers which are prepared to co-operate with us, we should strive with courage and determination for the fulfilment of the ideal and the heaven-ordained mission of our country.

  1. Informal translation by the Japanese Foreign Office.