794.00/176: Telegram
The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 5—5:30 a.m.]
413. The following is a summary of the press reports of [address by?] Minister for Foreign Affairs at Pacific Society last night:
Fundamental policy of Japanese Empire based upon mission as stabilizing force East Asia. Obviously Japan concerned not only with China continent but also with South Seas areas. Economic relations between Japan and other countries East Asia very close. These countries’ territories mutually dependent for prosperity. Japan has deep concern not only for political status quo Netherlands East Indies but also for economic resources, trade, industry, and development those islands.48b Can nations avoid conflict friction when there exist tariff walls, immigration restrictions, other barriers preventing smooth interchange of goods between nations which are complementary in economic sense? Construction new world order to come after present European war will require basic settlement of this issue.
Repeated by naval radio to Chungking and Peiping.