
The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Toyoda) to the American Ambassador in Japan (Grew)15

Text of Basic Japanese Terms of Peace With China

1. Neighborly friendship.

2. Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.

3. Cooperative defense between Japan and China.

Cooperation between Japan and China for the purposes of preventing communistic and other subversive activities which may constitute a menace to the security of both countries and of maintaining the public order in China.

Stationing of Japanese troops and naval forces in certain areas in the Chinese territory for a necessary period for the purposes referred to above and in accordance with the existing agreements and usages.

4. Withdrawal of Japanese armed forces.

The Japanese armed forces which have been dispatched to China for carrying out the China Affairs will be withdrawn from China upon the settlement of the said Affairs, excepting those troops which come under point 3.

5. Economic cooperation.

There shall be economic cooperation between Japan and China, having the development and utilization of essential materials for national defense in China as its principal objective.
The preceding paragraph does not mean to restrict any economic activities by third Powers in China so long as they are pursued on an equitable basis.

6. Fusion of the Chiang Kai-shek regime and the Wang Ching-wei Government.

7. No annexation.

8. No indemnities.

9. Recognition of Manchoukuo.

  1. Handed to the Ambassador in Japan on September 22, 1941. Points 1-5 were handed to the Secretary of State by the Japanese Ambassador (Nomura) on September 23, while points 6-9 were added on October 1.