893.05/207: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Secretary of State

1150. Legation’s 1145, December 14, 1 p.m.23 Following from Kuo Wen News Agency, Nanking, December 13:

“Concerning the Provisional Court conference, Dr. Wang said today that in addition to the Chinese plan, the foreign [delegates] had submitted counterproposals [to the Chinese] delegates. The Government would not agree to the continuance of the present system which permits the presence of the Senior Consul’s deputy at purely Chinese cases. As regards Sino-foreign cases, foreign consuls might watch the proceedings on behalf of their nationals as provided for in the treaties but they would have no right to sit on the bench with Chinese judges. ‘In short, the object of the Government is to make the Shanghai Provisional Court a part of the Chinese judicial system.’

Dr. Wang indicated that the Conference outlook is far from bright and that many difficulties have to be overcome before an agreement is reached.”

  1. Not printed.