893.05/182: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)

382. Your 1004, November 18, 4 p.m. The Department considers it desirable in the interest of all concerned that negotiations be begun and an agreement be arrived at ensuring the creation and maintenance of a competent court in the International Settlement. The Department’s views with regard to participation by Japanese delegates in the negotiations were sufficiently set forth in its 377 of November 16, 6 p.m. However, the Department’s principal concern is that an agreement be reached with the Chinese authorities at an early date. It would appear that, with American, British, Dutch and French delegates, negotiations might be begun. The Department wishes to receive your comments; also to be informed with regard to the position [Page 718] taken by the Japanese Government and with regard to the reasons for the action reported in your 1004. You may, of course, consult with your colleagues. You should inform them of the Department’s views. It is desired that you let it be understood that your Government, although it deprecates the attitude manifested by the Chinese Foreign Office, sees no advantage to be gained from like insistence by the representatives of the Powers upon points relating to the machinery of the proposed negotiations. The essential things would seem to be (1) to get the negotiations going and (2) the subject matter.
