893.00/10650: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Secretary of State

1099. Following from American Consul General at Hankow:

“December 6, 3 p.m. Authentic reports from Ichang this morning indicate a tense situation there. Rebellious troops, having captured Itu, are now moving towards Ichang, and foreigners are mostly concentrated on or near the foreshore prepared to evacuate if necessary. American and other foreign gunboats are standing by. U. S. S. Guam, escorting steamship Meiming and two Yangtze Rapid[s] lighters past danger zone, was fired on yesterday from shore below Ichang and hit 17 times, but no casualties. Fire was silenced by one shell from [apparent omission]. On returning to Ichang, Guam was not fired on.

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