861.77 Chinese Eastern/480: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Perkins) to the Secretary of State

1051. My 1048, November 27, 2 p.m. Following from American Consul at Harbin: [Page 358]

“November 27, 5 p.m. It now appears that through mediation Japanese Consul, Manchuria Station, Chinese forces there were voluntarily disarmed by Commander Liang Chung-chia who took refuge in Japanese Consulate. There was some severe fighting near Chalainor. Soviet aeroplanes expedition several times dropped few bombs near railway bridge outside Hailar and flew west.

No indication any large Soviet troon movements then or now. With possible exception of damage to Chalainor mines, all damage caused by looting, burning, and killing was done and is being done by disorganized retreating Chinese troops whose commanding officers deserted them at Hailar. Muling was taken and then evacuated by a few hundred Red troops supported by a few Soviet aeroplanes which had for their object securing grain supplies.

Chinese populace is not worrying about Red invasion but is in deadly fear of being attacked and looted by Chinese soldier mob. Refugees arriving daily by the hundreds tell the same story of looting by Chinese forces but not by the Reds at all points from Hailar to Buketu. Reports indicate there are no Red forces between Hingan Mountains and Chalainor. It is possible Red forces have already withdrawn from that place and Manchuria Station. Tension at Harbin has relaxed. It is requested that in view of the distorted statements regarding situation broadcast by the Chinese as mentioned in the newspapers, the contents of this telegram be sent as soon as possible to the Department.

Embassy informed by mail.”

  1. Telegram in two sections.