- Aeronautical law, private, conference concerning. See Aviation: Private Aeronautical Law.
- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Arbitration:
- Boundary disputes, arbitration of. See Boundary disputes: Dominican Republic–Haiti; also under Boundary disputes: Guatemala-Honduras; Chaco dispute: Proposals for settlement; Tacna-Arica controversy.
- Permanent Court of Arbitration, 32–33
- Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration, signed at International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration: Text, together with Protocol of Progressive Arbitration, signed Jan. 5, 659–669; U. S. ratification, with understanding, 659n, 667
- Argentina:
- Activities in connection with Chaco dispute: Arms shipments to Bolivia, detention, 834, 843; attitude toward Bolivia-Paraguay negotiations, 873, 907, 908–909, 915; declination of membership on Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation, 829–830; repatriation of prisoners, assistance, 849, 852, 853, 854
- Aviation:
- Arms and munitions shipments to Bolivia, question of prohibition, 834, 842–843
- Australia, suggestion for facilitating U. S. signature to International Convention on the Treatment of Foreigners, 435–436
- Aviation:
- Aerial navigation, 489–539
- Convention on Aerial Navigation, 1919 (see also Extraordinary session of the International Commission for Air Navigation, infra): Cited, 528, 530, 531, 532, 537, 633; protocol for revision of, adopted by a regular session of the International Commission for Air Navigation, June 15, 509, 516; submission to U. S. Senate, 491–492, 495, 515–516, 517
- Extraordinary session of the International
Commission for Air Navigation, Paris, June
10–15, to revise the Convention on Aerial
Navigation of 1919:
- Final resolutions: Comments of U. S. delegation, 509–513; protocol for revision of convention in accordance with, information concerning, 509, 516; U. S. reservations, 509, 516
- German proposals as basis for discussion: Information concerning, 489, 490–491, 513–514; U. S. views, 497–507
- U. S. participation (see also Final resolutions and German proposals, supra):
- Negotiations to effect arrangements covering
certain questions of aerial navigation, between United
States and—
- Canada, arrangement cited as possible model for U. S. agreement with certain European countries, 519, 525, 528, 531, 532–533, 536–537, 539
- France, 532–536, 539n; agreement by exchange of notes, 1939, 539
- Germany, 532n, 536, 539n; agreement by exchange of notes, 1932, 539
- Great Britain, 518–525, 539n; agreement by exchange of notes, 1934, 539
- Irish Free State, 530–532, 539n; agreement by exchange of notes, 1937, 539
- Italy, 525–530, 539n; agreement by exchange of notes, 1931, 539
- Netherlands, 532n, 536–538, 539n; agreement, 1932, subject to ratification by the Queen, 539
- Spain, 532n, 538–539; nonconclusion of agreement, 539
- Pilots’ licenses, airworthiness certificates, and export certificates, negotiations concerning. See Negotiations, supra.
- Air Commerce Act, 1926, 495, 500–501, 501, 516
- Conventions (see also Aerial navigation, supra): Commercial aviation convention (Pan American), 1928, 490, 492, 493, 495–496, 500, 501, 502–503, 511; Inter-American Air Convention, 498, 500, 505; international air transportation, Oct. 12, 1929, U. S. adherence with reservation (1934), 541
- Latin America, activities of—
- British interests, 623–624, 625
- French interests, 543, 566, 570, 571–572, 614, 615, 616, 619, 623–624, 624–635, 642
- German interests, 543, 546, 549, 552, 553, 570, 571–572, 573, 574, 594, 601, 610, 618, 619–620, 642
- U. S. interests (see also U. S. interests, efforts to establish airlines, etc., infra), diplomatic support for American companies awarded contracts by the Post Office Department for carrying air mail to foreign countries, 542–545
- Pan American convention of 1928. See Conventions: Commercial aviation, supra.
- Private Aeronautical Law, International Diplomatic Conferences: First Conference, Paris, 1925, 505, 514, 540n; Second Conference, Warsaw, Oct. 4–12, 1929, U. S. unofficial representation, 540–541
- U. S. interests, efforts to establish airlines in
Latin America, and U. S. good offices in behalf of, 546–652
- Latin American Airways, 635–652
- Pan American Airways, Inc. (see
Latin American Airways: Contract, supra), 546–612
- Concessions and contracts, negotiations and conclusion, 546–547, 550, 551–560, 561–565, 565–566, 566–568, 568–569, 569–609, 610–611
- Lindbergh, Col. Charles A., flight to promote interests of, 547–549, 585, 586, 587, 588–589, 593, 594, 595–596
- Survey flights, U. S. assistance in necessary arrangements with various countries, 546, 547–550, 551, 560–561, 565, 568, 569, 581, 607, 609–610, 611–612
- Tri-Motors Safety Airways, 556, 612–635
- Concessions and contracts, 556, 612, 623
- Relations with French interests, 614, 615, 616, 619, 624, 625–626, 627–628; with German interests, question of, 619–620
- Survey flights, U. S. assistance in necessary arrangements with various countries, 612–614, 615, 616, 617, 618–619, 620–623, 624, 625, 626–635
- U. S. policy of diplomatic support for American companies awarded contracts by the Post Office Department for carrying air mail to foreign countries, 542–545
- Aerial navigation, 489–539
- Belgium, inconclusive negotiations with United States for convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 439–444
- Bolivia (see also Chaco dispute; also under Tacna-Arica controversy): German aviation interests, 543; Pan American Airways, negotiations for contract, 610–611
- Boundary disputes (see also
Chaco dispute: Tacna-Arica
controversy), 934–984
[Page 1023]
- Colombia–Nicaragua, U. S. efforts to urge immediate ratification by Nicaragua of treaty of Mar. 24, 1928, 934–938
- Costa Rica–Panama, question of direct negotiations with mediation of Chile, 938–942; U. S. disinclination to be associated in joint mediation, 942
- Dominican Republic–Haiti, U. S. willingness to participate in possible establishment of mixed commission to arbitrate questions arising in work of boundary delimitation commission provided under treaty of Jan. 21, 943–946
- Guatemala–Honduras, 946–975
- Anti-Guatemalan demonstration, 948
- Arbitration, inability of Guatemala and Honduras to agree on form of arbitral machinery or formula for arbitration:
- Conference at Washington to study controversy with U. S. assistance, proposed: Date of convening, 969–970, 971, 975; U. S. invitation and acceptances, 963–969, 970–971, 971–975
- U. S. efforts to promote negotiations for a settlement (see also Conference, supra), 950–951, 954–955, 960–961
- Violations of status quo in disputed territory, alleged, 946–947, 949, 950, 958; requests for U. S. good offices, and U. S. attitude, 947–948, 969
- Honduras–Nicaragua, negotiations for delimitation of
boundary in accordance with award of King of Spain, 1906, 975–984
- Acceptance of award by Nicaragua, 975–976
- Commission to delimit boundary, proposed:
- Nicaraguan proposal, 977, 979, 981, 982–983; Honduran acceptance, 983
- Participation of American member, 977, 979, 980, 982, 983, 984
- Protocol, discussions concerning entrance into, 983–984, 984
- U. S. assistance in arrangements for establishing: Honduran request, 980–981, 983–984; U. S. attitude, 981, 984
- Conditions in disputed territory, 976–978, 980, 981, 982, 983; requests for U. S. good offices, and U. S. attitude, 977–979
- Boundary treaties:
- Chile–Peru, June 3. See Tacna-Arica controversy: Treaty.
- Colombia–Nicaragua, Mar. 24, 1928, U. S. efforts to urge immediate ratification by Nicaragua, 934–938
- Dominican Republic–Haiti, Jan. 21. See Boundary disputes: Dominican Republic-Haiti.
- Brazil:
- Bulgaria, negotiations and arrangement with United States concerning application of naturalization treaty of 1924, 444–446
- Canada (see also Radio Conference), agreement with United States on aerial navigation, cited as model for U. S. agreements with certain European countries, 519, 525, 528, 531, 532–533, 536–537, 539
- Chaco dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay, 803, 807, 808, 818–933
- Arms and munitions shipments to Bolivia, question of prohibition, 834, 839–840, 842–843
- Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation (see also under
Proposals for settlement of the basic
question, infra), adjustment of
differences following incidents of Dee. 1928,
- Conciliation agreement between Bolivia and Paraguay, signed Sept. 12: Negotiations, 858–860; [Page 1024] text contained in resolution of Commission, 860–861
- Establishment of Commission through good
offices of Conference of American States on Conciliation and
- Appointment of Bolivian and Paraguayan delegates, question of, 838, 839, 840, 841
- Opening meeting, 844
- Participation of United States and certain neutral American Republics: Invitations, 827–828, 832–833; replies of acceptance and declination, 827n, 828, 829–830, 831–832, 832n, 833
- Protocol between Bolivia and Paraguay, signed Jan. 3: Negotiations, 818–823, 824–825, 825–827, 828–829, 830–831; signature, 832; text, 835–837
- Frontier incidents, recurrence, action of Commission and views of Bolivia and Paraguay, 845–847, 848–849, 849–851
- Renewal of diplomatic relations, proposals concerning, 818, 819, 820, 821, 860
- Repatriation of prisoners:
- Arrangements and execution, 837–838, 838–839, 839, 840–841, 841–842, 843–844, 847, 849, 851–858
- Resolutions of Commission concerning procedure, texts, 847, 852–853
- U. S. assistance: Facilitation of preliminary discussions between Bolivia and Paraguay, 837–838, 838–839, 839, 840–841, 841–842, 843–844, 847; military attaches, participation in exchange, 838–839, 847, 849, 851, 853, 854, 855, 855–856, 857, 858
- Restoration of status quo ante in the Chaco with assistance of Uruguay, proposed procedure, 861–863
- U. S. congratulations to Bolivia and Paraguay upon successful accomplishments of Commission, 892
- Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration, good offices. See Commission: Establishment, supra.
- Proposals for settlement of the basic question, 803, 807,
808, 863–933
- Arbitration, proposed. See Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation: Treaty of arbitration, infra.
- Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation, work of:
- Extension of life of Commission, proposed: Bolivian objections, 894–895, 896; Paraguayan desire for, 869, 870, 880, 881, 886–887; procedure to accomplish, discussions, 871–872, 881
- Plan of neutral members to proceed toward a final
- Proposal to Bolivia and Paraguay, and acceptances, 863–869, 869–870
- U. S. efforts to prepare path for proper consideration by Bolivia and Paraguay of decision to be arrived at by Commission: Inquiry of Brazil as to willingness to cooperate, and affirmative reply, 870–871, 872; instructions to U. S. Ministers, and replies, 871–872, 873–874
- Treaty of arbitration and supplementary protocol, proposal by Commission:
- Direct negotiations, Bolivian desire for, 893–895, 896, 898, 899, 900–901, 908, 910, 917, 924
- Good offices of United States and other neutral American
Republics, extension:
- Offer by United States of services of U. S.
members of Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation in
continued effort to assist Bolivia and Paraguay in
finding solution of controversy:
- Bolivian views and preference for direct negotiations, 893–895, 896, 898, 899, 900–901, 908, 910
- Extension to Bolivia and Paraguay, 892
- Paraguayan acceptance, 896, 908
- Suggestions to certain neutral American Republics for similar action, 892–893, 897–899; nonextension of good offices by Uruguay, 896, 899
- Proposal for immediate initiation of direct negotiations in Washington between Bolivia and Paraguay and establishment of a commission of neutrals:
- Renewal of efforts to secure Bolivian acceptance of good offices:
- United States as a friendly mediator, Bolivian views, 803, 917, 920, 924, 926
- Offer by United States of services of U. S.
members of Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation in
continued effort to assist Bolivia and Paraguay in
finding solution of controversy:
- Reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Paraguay, proposed, 818, 819, 820, 821, 860, 893, 895, 896, 898, 910–911, 918, 926
- Chile (see also
Tacna-Arica controversy):
- Arms shipments to Bolivia, detention, 843
- Aviation: Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corp., activities, 561, 571; French interests, 543, 570, 571–572; German interests, 570, 571–572, 574; Pan American Airways, negotiations and signing of contract, 557–558, 558, 559–560, 561–562, 562–563, 563–565, 565–566, 567–568, 568–569, 569–571, 571–572, 574–575, 586, 590–593, 599–600, 606; suggestion of Chilean Government for conference at Lima concerning, 570, 571–574, 576, 583–584, 586, 587–588, 594–595
- Mediation in Costa Rica-Panama boundary dispute, question of, 938–942
- China: Proposal made at sixth session of Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 97–98; Sino-Soviet controversy illustrating need for further implementation of Treaty for the Renunciation of War, 59, 61–62, 62–63, 64
- Colombia (see also Chaco dispute: Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation; also under Boundary disputes), aviation: German interests, 543, 546, 549, 571, 601, 610, 619–620; U. S. interests, 546, 547–548, 548–549, 549–550
- Commercial aviation convention (Pan American), 1928, 490, 492, 493, 495–496, 500, 501, 502–503, 511
- Commercial treaty policy of United States, based on most-favored-nation principle. See Tariff legislation inconsistent with certain U. S. treaty obligations.
- Commissions, committees, etc.:
- Air Navigation, International Commission for. See Aviation: Aerial navigation: Extraordinary session.
- Boundary commissions:
- Dominican Republic-Haiti, U. S. willingness to participate in possible establishment of mixed commission to arbitrate questions arising in work of boundary delimitation commission, 943–946
- Honduras–Nicaragua. See Boundary disputes: Honduras–Nicaragua: Commission.
- Tacna-Arica boundary commission, suspension of activities, 725, 812
- Inquiry and conciliation. See Chaco dispute: Commission.
- International Central American Tribunal, possible arbitration of Guatemala-Honduras boundary dispute, 948–949, 949–950, 955–958, 961; Honduran objections, 950
- League of Nations:
- Advisory Committee on Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, recommendation cited, 390
- Committee of Jurists. See Permanent Court of International Justice: Statute of the Court: U. S. accession.
- Economic Committee, draft convention on the treatment of foreigners, 429–430
- Mixed Committee for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency. See Counterfeiting Currency: Convention: U. S. comments, etc.
- Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference. See Preparatory Commission, etc.
- Concessions, contracts, etc. See Aviation: U. S. interests.
- Conciliation:
- Conference for Revision of the Geneva Convention of 1906, and for Framing a Code for the Treatment of
Prisoners of War, 317–367
- Conventions signed July 27:
- U. S. participation:
- Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration, Washington, Dec. 10, 1928–Jan. 5, 1929 (see also Chaco dispute: Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation: Establishment), conventions signed Jan. 5, 1929, 653–669
- Conferences, international:
- Aeronautical law, private. See Aviation: Private Aeronautical Law.
- American States. See Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration.
- Boundary conference. See Boundary disputes: Guatemala-Honduras: Conference.
- Conciliation and Arbitration. See Conference of American States.
- Counterfeiting Currency. See Counterfeiting Currency.
- London Naval Conference (1930), preliminaries. See London Naval Conference.
- Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, sixth session. See Preparatory Commission, etc.
- Prisoners of war, treatment of. See Conference for Revision of the Geneva Convention of 1906.
- Private Aeronautical Law. See under Aviation.
- Radio Conference, Ottawa, Jan. 21–25. See Radio Conference.
- Revision of the Geneva Convention of 1906. See Conference for Revision of the Geneva Convention of 1906.
- Safety of Life at Sea. See Safety of Life at Sea.
- Short wave radio. See Radio Conference.
- Treatment of Foreigners. See Treatment of Foreigners.
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Costa Rica (see also under Boundary disputes), contract with Pan American Airways, 547, 582
- Counterfeiting Currency, Conference for the Suppression of,
Geneva, Apr. 9–20, 378,
- Convention, international:
- Cited, 378
- Extradition provisions, U. S. views, 397–399, 400, 401–402
- Negotiations, reports concerning, 403–408
- Text, with protocols, 409–423
- U. S. comments and observations concerning draft proposed by Mixed Committee for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency, 394, 395–402
- U. S. signature, 402, 407–408, 408–409, 409n; nonsubmission to the Senate, 409n
- U. S. participation (see also Convention, supra):
- Convention, international:
- Cuba (see also Chaco dispute: Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation; Radio Conference):
- Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Corp., activities in Chile, 561, 571
- Denmark:
- Diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Paraguay, proposed reestablishment of, 818, 819, 820, 821, 860, 893, 895, 896, 898, 910–911, 918, 926
- Disarmament Conference. See London Naval Conference; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference.
- Dominican Republic (see also under Boundary disputes), U. S. aviation interests, 613
- Dual nationality. See Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service.
- Ecuador, Pan American Airways interests, 547, 551
- Estonia, inconclusive negotiations with United States for convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 449–451
- Finland, negotiations with United States for treaty of naturalization, 451–452
- Five-Power Naval Conference. See London Naval Conference.
- Foreigners, Treatment of, International Conference on. See Treatment of Foreigners.
- France (see also
London Naval Conference; Treaty for the Renunciation of War; also
Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament
Conference: Naval armament limitation):
- Aviation: Interests in Latin America, 543, 566, 570, 571–572, 614, 615, 616, 619, 623–624, 624–635, 642; negotiations and agreement with United States covering certain questions of aerial navigation, 532–536, 539n, 539; permission for American planes to operate over French territory in Latin America, question of, 556–557, 569, 570–577, 580–581, 584, 622–623, 624–635
- Italo-French naval parity, question of, 59–60, 107, 133–134, 134–135, 269–270, 271, 272, 283, 287, 298, 306
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, U. S.-French negotiations for an agreement concerning, 452–457
- Geneva Convention of 1906. See Conference for Revision of the Geneva Convention of 1906.
- Germany:
- Aviation:
- Aerial navigation: German proposals used as basis for revision of international convention of 1919, 489, 490–491, 497–507, 513–514; negotiations and agreement with United States covering certain questions of, 532n, 536, 539n, 539
- Interests in Latin America, 543, 546, 549, 552, 553, 570, 571–572, 573, 574, 594, 601, 610, 618, 619–620, 642
- Commercial treaty with United States, 1923, 431–432, 986, 1001, 1002
- Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, German proposals in connection with, 66, 67–68, 69, 72, 86
- Representations to United States concerning Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels, 1005
- Aviation:
- Good offices. See Boundary disputes.
- Great Britain (see also
London Naval Conference; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference):
- Aviation: Interests in Latin America, 623–624, 625; negotiations and agreement with United States covering certain questions of aerial navigation, 518–525, 539n, 539; permission for American planes to operate over British territory in Latin America, 557, 558, 566, 567, 568, 577, 598, 607, 609–610, 611–612, 617, 620
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, negotiations with United States for convention concerning, 457–458
- Safety of Life at Sea, International Conference, invitation to United States to participate, and U. S. acceptance, 372, 380
- U. S. Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels, representations to United States concerning, 1006–1007; U. S. reply, 1009n
- Greece, negotiations with United States for naturalization treaty, 458–465; temporary measures of Greek Government pending conclusion of treaty, 461–462, 464–465
- Guatemala (see also under Boundary disputes), aviation: Latin American Airways, negotiations and signing of contract, 635–650; French interests, 642; German interests, 642; Pan American Airways, negotiations and signing of contract, 557, 576, 577, 578–580, 581–582, 583, 584–585, 595–597, 602–603, 605–606, 607–609; Pickwick Airways interests, 578–579, 581, 583, 595, 597, 607, 608, 650–652
- Haiti (see also Boundary disputes: Dominican Republic-Haiti): Interest in certain provisions of draft international convention on the treatment of foreigners, 434–435, 438; U. S. aviation interests, 613, 624n
- Honduras (see also Guatemala–Honduras and Honduras–Nicaragua under Boundary disputes), Pan American Airways contract, 550, 553, 555, 556, 560, 598, 599
- Hoover, Herbert: Arbitration of Guatemala-Honduras boundary dispute, Honduran insistence, 947, 953–954; Memorial Day address, Map 30, 113–116; message to Congress, Dec. 3, v–xxx; submission to Chile and Peru of terms of settlement of Tacna-Arica dispute, arrangements, 732–733, 734, 738, 739, 740, 742, 744, 745–746, 750, 754, 754–755, 757, 765–766, 768, 769, 770, 771–772, 773–775, 775–776, 779, 780–784, 786, 788, 794–797
- Import and export prohibitions and restrictions, abolition of, text of protocol, signed Dec. 20, concerning the entry into force of the international convention of 1927 and supplementary agreement of 1928, 424–428
- Irish Free State, negotiations and agreement with United States covering certain questions of aerial navigation, 530–532, 539n, 539
- Italy (see also
London Naval Conference):
- Aviation: Demonstration flights in United States, U. S. permission, 525, 526; negotiations and agreement with United States covering certain questions of aerial navigation, 525–530, 539n, 539
- Franco-Italian naval parity, question of, 59–60, 107, 133–134, 134–135, 269–270, 271, 272, 283, 287, 298, 306
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, negotiations with United States for convention concerning, 465–467
- Japan (see also London Naval Conference; Narcotic drugs), attitude toward U. S.–British naval conversations during sixth session of Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, 101, 106, 107–108
- Kellogg-Briand Pact. See Treaty for the Renunciation of War.
- Latin American Airways. See under Aviation: U. S. interests.
- Latvia, inconclusive negotiations with United States for convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 449–451
- League of Nations (see also Counterfeiting Currency, Conference for the Suppression of; Permanent Court of International Justice; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference; Treatment of Foreigners, International Conference): Advisory Committee on Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs, recommendation cited, 390; relation to the International Commission for Air Navigation, question of, 504, 511–512
- Lithuania, negotiations with United States for treaty concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 449–451; conclusion of treaty (1937), 451
- London Naval Conference to be held in 1930, preliminaries, 112–316
- Address by President Hoover, May 30, text, 113–116
- Address by U. S. Ambassador in Great Britain before Society of the Pilgrims, June 18:
- Arrangements:
- Invitation by British Government:
- Meeting of nontechnical representatives of the five powers: Recommendation of U. S. Ambassadors in Great Britain and Belgium, 132–135; U. S.-British discussions concerning time and place of meeting and work to be done, 135–140, 141, 149, 163
- Naval experts as members of the delegations, question of, 248–249, 250, 272–273
- Place and date of meeting, question of, 138, 141, 143, 164, 225, 228, 230, 231, 272, 273, 291
- Procedure, tentative outline, 290–291, 294–295, 296–297
- U. S. delegation, British request for list, 291–292
- British-American conversations (see also
Arrangements, supra), 112–113, 117, 118–119, 120–121, 128–129, 130–131, 136, 137–143, 144,
- Arrangements for U. S. Ambassador in Belgium to go to London for consultation on naval questions, 128–129, 130
- Discussions concerning—
- Anglo-American parity (see also Cruisers, infra), 137–138, 139, 148–149, 150, 152, 153–154, 158, 159, 162, 167, 170–172, 183, 192, 196, 197, 198–199, 208, 216, 224, 247, 254
- Battleships and aircraft carriers, 142, 148, 149–150, 162, 166, 208, 224, 243, 255
- Cruisers (see also Reduction and Yardstick, infra), 144, 147–148, 150–152, 154, 155–156, 156–158, 159, 160–161, 162–163, 164–166, 167–170, 174–182, 183–188, 190–191, 192–194, 197, 198–199, 200–203, 203–205, 206, 207, 208–209, 213–214, 215–216, 217–218, 220–223, 224–225, 226–228, 229, 230–231, 238–239, 240–243, 247, 249–250, 255–256, 260
- Destroyers and submarines, 148–149, 150, 154, 162, 163, 166, 208, 209, 224, 243, 255
- Kellogg-Briand Pact as startingpoint toward agreement, 136, 140, 153, 162, 208, 224
- Police craft, British need for, 178, 187, 188, 191, 194–195, 196, 198, 205–206, 209, 218, 230
- Reduction of naval armament, 167, 168, 168–169, 170–171, 172–174, 175, 183, 184, 196, 246–247, 248, 260
- Washington Naval Treaty of 1922, 142, 148, 162, 163, 208, 224, 243
- Yardstick by which parity should be measured, 129, 135, 139–140, 142–143, 148, 149, 151, 152, 157, 160, 162–163, 165, 173, 175, 178, 188, 192–194, 196, 197, 198, 199–200, 208–209, 209–210, 211–213, 215, 222–223, 251–252
- Initial discussions of general nature, 112–113, 120–121, 140–143, 144–146
- Principles of U. S.-British agreement, 207–209, 224–225
- French position:
- Acceptance of invitation to Conference, 266–267
- Discussions with—
- Italo-French parity, question of, 133–134, 134–135, 269–270, 271, 272, 283, 287, 298, 306
- Memorandum of Dec. 20 delivered to British Government and communicated to other interested Governments, 299–304; British attitude toward suggestion contained in memorandum, 315–316
- Italian position:
- Japanese position, discussions with Great Britain and United
- Acceptance of invitation to Conference, 268–269
- British-American preliminary conversations: Conveying of information to Japan as to subject matter of conversations, 117–118, 131, 145, 146, 160, 203, 217, 233, 257; Japanese desire for similar conversations, 226, 233–234
- Cruiser question. See Ratio and tonnage questions, infra.
- Offer of support of measures for armament reduction, 130, 189, 258–259
- Ratio and tonnage questions, 131–132, 160, 188–189, 203, 205, 214, 217, 219, 257–258, 273–279, 280–281, 283–286, 288–290, 307–313
- West Pacific bases, 273–274, 308, 310
- Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, relationship to work of Five-Power Conference, 154–155
- Visit of British Prime Minister Mac-Donald to United States to discuss naval disarmament with President Hoover, plans for, 116–117, 118–119, 141, 143–144, 149, 154, 156, 158–159, 164, 180, 183, 185, 200, 206–207, 223, 225, 228–229, 231, 232–233, 239, 240
- Mexico (see also Chaco dispute: Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation), nonrepresentation at Radio Conference, Ottawa, Jan. 21–25, 693n
- Military service, U. S. negotiations with certain European countries for agreements and treaties regarding. See Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service: Negotiations.
- Monroe Doctrine, official statement and commentary by the Secretary of State, 698–719
- Most-favored-nation principle. See Tariff legislation inconsistent with certain U. S. treaty obligations.
- Narcotic drugs, informal agreements between United States
and other countries for exchange of information regarding traffic in, 389–393
- Summary of arrangements between United States and various other countries, 389
- U. S. conclusion of an agreement with Japan extending arrangement previously concluded to include additional information:
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 439–488
- Naturalization treaty between United States and Norway and Sweden, 1869, cited, 474, 475; between United States and Portugal, 1908, cited, 478
- Negotiations for agreements and treaties between
United States and—
- Belgium, 439–444
- Bulgaria, arrangement (1930) relative to application of naturalization treaty of 1924, 444–446
- Denmark, 446–448
- Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, 449–451; conclusion of treaty with Lithuania (1937), 451
- Finland, 451–452
- France, 452–457
- Great Britain, 457–458
- Greece, 458–465; temporary measures of Greek Government pending conclusion of naturalization treaty, 461–462, 464–465
- Italy, 465–467
- Latvia and Lithuania. See Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, supra.
- Netherlands, 467–471
- Norway, 471–475; conclusion of treaty regarding military service (1930), 475n
- Poland, 475–477
- Portugal, 477–482
- Rumania, 482–483
- Spain, 483–485
- Sweden, 485
- Yugoslavia, 485–486
- Women of American nationality married to aliens and having dual nationality, protection of, 487–488
- Naval armament limitation. See London Naval Conference; Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference.
- Netherlands:
- Negotiations with United States concerning—
- Aerial navigation, agreement covering certain questions, 532n, 536–538, 539
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, convention concerning, 467–471
- Permission for air mail survey flights by American planes over Dutch Guiana, 622, 624n
- Representations to United States concerning Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels, 1005
- Negotiations with United States concerning—
- Newfoundland. See Radio Conference.
- Nicaragua (see also Colombia-Nicaragua and Honduras–Nicaragua under Boundary disputes), aviation: German interests, 552, 553; Pan American Airways contract, 552, 553–554, 555
- Norway:
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, negotiations with United States for treaty concerning, 471–475; conclusion of treaty regarding military service, Nov. 1, 1930, 475n
- U. S. Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels, Norwegian representations concerning, 1007–1008; U. S. reply, 1009n
- Panama (see also Boundary disputes: Costa Rica–Panama):
- Pan American Airways, Inc. See under Aviation: U. S. interests.
- Pan American commercial aviation convention, 1928, 490, 492, 493, 495–496, 500, 501, 502–503, 511
- Paraguay. See Chaco dispute.
- Permanent Court of International Justice:
- Decision of Court not to render advisory opinion in Eastern Carelia case (1923), cited, 2, 35–36, 37
- Protocols relating to the Court. See Revision and U. S. accession under Statute of the Court, infra.
- Statute of the Court:
- Revision, protocol of:
- U. S. accession, negotiations for protocol
to meet Senate reservations:
- Nonacceptability to United States of 1926 draft protocol, 1–4
- Recommendation by Committee of Jurists—report to
League Council and draft protocol:
- Conference to consider, 21–22, 22–23; adoption of draft protocol, 30
- Signature of protocol by League members, 29–31
- Text of protocol, 53–58; of report, 16–21
- Transmittal to United States, and discussions concerning, 11–12, 14–21, 24, 25, 28–29
- U. S. favorable attitude, 12–14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26–28; submission to the Senate, question of, 14, 22, 24, 28
- U. S. signature of protocol: Arrangements and authorization, 41–43; recommendation of Secretary of State, 31–40
- Working agreement, draft and modifications, 4–11
- U. S. accession to Statute of the Court, proposed. See under Statute, supra.
- Peru (see also Tacna-Arica controversy), aviation: Chilean proposal for conference concerning aviation, information and discussions concerning, 570, 571–574, 576, 583–584, 586, 587–588, 594–595; German interests, 573, 594, 595; Pan American Airways interests, 574, 585, 586–587, 588, 588–589, 593–594, 601, 610
- Pickwick Airways, interests in Guatemala, 578–579, 581, 583, 595, 597, 607, 608, 650–652
- Poland: Invitation to United States to participate in Second International Diplomatic Conference on Private Aeronautical Law, and U. S. acceptance in unofficial capacity, 540–541; negotiations with United States concerning naturalization treaty, Polish willingness to enter informal agreement pending conclusion of treaty, 475–477
- Portugal, negotiations with United States concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 477–482
- Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, sixth
session (see also under
London Naval Conference), 65–111
- Agenda and preliminary plans of League of Nations, 65–69; U. S. approval, 69
- British position on disarmament problems (see also under Naval armament limitation, infra), 78–80
- Chinese proposal for abolition of conscription in favor of voluntary armies, 97–98; U. S. position, 98
- Naval armament limitation:
- Proceedings, 85–86, 87–88, 97–98, 104–105
- U. S. delegation (see also Naval armament limitation, supra):
- U. S. policy regarding naval armament limitation. See Naval armament limitation, supra.
- Prisoners of war. See Chaco dispute: Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation: Repatriation of prisoners; Conference for Revision of the Geneva Convention of 1906.
- Radio Conference, Ottawa, Jan. 21–25, 693–697
- Renunciation of war. See Treaty for the Renunciation of War.
- Root, Elihu, proposal to facilitate U. S. accession to the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice, 4–11
- Rumania, negotiations with United States concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 482–483
- Russia: Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, Soviet proposals in connection with, 66, 71–72, 87; Sino-Soviet controversy illustrating need for further implementation of Treaty for the Renunciation of War, 59, 61–62, 62–63, 64; U. S. policy of nonrecognition of Soviet regime, 375–377, 378
- Safety of Life at Sea, International Conference for Revision
of the Convention of 1914, London, Apr. 16–May 31, 368–388
- Agenda, 369, 370–371
- Committees, technical, 382–383
- Convention signed May 31: Summary, 384–388; U. S. reservation concerning Soviet regime, 375–377, 378
- Language of the conference and convention, 374, 381–382, 384
- U. S. participation:
- Authorization by Congress, 371
- British invitation and U. S. acceptance, 372, 380
- Delegation: Instructions, 368–377; list of delegates, 380; report, 379–388; technical assistants, 374, 381
- Preparatory work, 370–371, 379–380
- Rules of procedure, U. S. approval of proposal for one vote to each country, 377–378
- Soviet regime, U. S. reservation in connection with signing of convention, 375–377, 378
- Salvador, Pan American Airways contract, 578, 600–601, 602, 605
- Samoan Islands, cession of Tutuila and Manua Islands to United States, 1010–1017
- Seamen on foreign vessels, U. S. Senate bill relating to payment of advance wages to, 1005–1009
- Short wave radio conference. See Radio Conference.
- Spain, negotiations with United States concerning—
- Sweden, consideration of U. S. proposal of convention concerning naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 485; conclusion of treaty with United States regarding military service (1933), 485n
- Switzerland, invitation to United States to participate in Conference for Revision of the Geneva Convention of 1906, 317
- Tacna-Arica controversy between Chile and Peru, final
settlement through direct negotiations facilitated by U. S. good offices,
720–817, 842
- Arbitral proceedings: Suspension of Boundary Commission activities, 725, 812; termination by Arbitrator’s opinion, Aug. 2, text, 811–813; U. S. opposition to suggested substitution of arbitral award for agreement resulting from direct negotiations, 788, 793–794
- Bolivia, attitude toward negotiations and representations against settlement prejudicial to Bolivian aspirations for Pacific port, 725–726, 776–778, 779, 784, 786–787, 788–793, 802–803, 805–806, 807–810, 813–816, 842; U. S. attitude, 778, 779, 780–781, 787, 802–803, 804–805, 805–806, 808, 809, 816–817, 842
- Negotiations between Chile and Peru for settlement on basis of
division of territory:
- Bolivian interest in proposed settlement, 725–726, 776–778, 779, 784, 786–787, 788–793, 802–803, 805–806, 842; U. S. attitude, 778, 779, 780–781, 787, 802–803, 804–805, 805–806, 842
- Initiation by Chile, 720
- Terms of settlement:
- Arrangements for submission to Chile and Peru by U. S. President, 732–733, 734, 738, 739, 740, 742, 744, 745–746, 750, 754, 754–755, 757, 765–766, 768, 769, 770, 771–772, 773–775, 775–776, 779, 780–784, 786, 788, 794–797
- Discussions, general, 722–723, 727–728, 731–732, 743, 749, 750, 752, 754–755, 757, 768, 769, 770–776, 779, 780–784, 785–786, 788, 794–797
- Port facilities for Peru, discussions of economic, engineering, and political difficulties involved, 722–723, 727, 728, 729, 730–732, 733–734, 734–738, 739–740, 740–742, 742–754, 756–757, 757–765, 766–768, 769–770, 783
- Submission to Chile and Peru, 799–800; acceptances, 800–802
- Text, 798–799
- U. S. good offices (see also Terms of settlement: Arrangements for submission, supra): Efforts to encourage settlement, 720, 723, 724–725, 726–727, 728, 729–730, 732–733, 733–734, 737, 738, 738–740, 741–742, 745–746, 747–748, 750, 752, 753, 754, 755–756, 757, 765–766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771–772, 773–774, 775–776, 779, 780–781, 782, 783, 788, 793, 794, 803–805; facilitation of engineering surveys for proposed Peruvian port, 721–724, 725, 740, 746, 747–748, 750–751
- Treaty and secret protocol:
- U. S. good offices. See under Negotiations, supra.
- Tariff Act of 1922, proposed revision. See Tariff legislation.
- Tariff legislation inconsistent with certain U. S. treaty obligations, attitude of Department of State, 985–1004
- Trade mark and commercial protection and registration of trade marks, convention and protocol between United States and other American Republics, text signed Feb. 20, 670–692
- Trade Mark Bureau, Inter-American, 683–692
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Amelioration of condition of the wounded and sick of armies in the field, international convention for, text signed July 27, 321–335
- Arbitration. See under Arbitration.
- Aviation. See Aviation: Conventions.
- Boundary treaties. See Boundary treaties.
- Conciliation. See under Conciliation.
- Counterfeiting currency. See Counterfeiting Currency, Conference for the Suppression of: Convention.
- Four-power treaty relating to insular possessions in the Pacific (1921), cited, 61, 64
- Friendship, commerce, and consular rights, U. S.–Germany, 1923, 431–432, 986, 1001, 1002
- Geneva Convention of 1906. See Conference for Revision of the Geneva Convention of 1906.
- Import and export prohibitions and restrictions. See Import and export prohibitions.
- Kellogg-Briand Pact. See Treaty for the Renunciation of War.
- Narcotic drugs, informal agreements. See Narcotic drugs.
- Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service. See Naturalization, dual nationality, and military service.
- Nine-power treaty relating to China (1922), cited, 61
- Permanent Court of International Justice, protocols relating to. See Permanent Court of International Justice: Statute of the Court.
- Prisoners of war, international convention relative to treatment of, text signed July 27, 336–367
- Radio arrangement between Canada, Cuba, Newfoundland, and United States. See Radio Conference.
- Radiotelegraph Convention of 1927, cited, 385–386, 694
- Renunciation of war. See Treaty for the Renunciation of War.
- Safety of life at sea. See Safety of Life at Sea, International Conference: Convention.
- Sanitary Convention of 1926, cited, 376–377
- Trade mark and commercial protection and registration of trade marks, convention and protocol between United States and other American Republics, text signed Feb. 20, 670–692
- Treatment of foreigners. See Treatment of Foreigners, International Conference on: Convention.
- U. S.–Panama, unperfected treaty for the settlement of points of difference, 1926, cited, 496–497
- Versailles Treaty, 506–507
- Washington Naval Treaty of 1922, cited, 75, 78, 142, 148, 162, 163, 208, 224, 243, 264
- Treatment of Foreigners, International Conference on, Paris,
Nov. 5–Dec. 5, 429–438
- American representation in a consultative capacity (see also Convention, infra):
- Convention, international:
- Treaty for the Renunciation of War (1928):
- Tri-Motors Safety Airways. See under Aviation: U. S. interests.
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Russia.
- Uruguay (see also Chaco dispute: Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation), aviation: French interests, 543; U. S. interests, 565, 566, 615, 621, 622
- U. S. Congress:
- Deficiency appropriation act, 1929, cited, 371
- Joint Resolutions of—
- May 28, 1928, concerning U. S. negotiation of agreements on naturalization, dual nationality, and military service, 449, 452, 472, 484
- Dec. 7, 1928, concerning U. S. participation in International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 371
- Feb. 20 and May 22, 1929, providing for acceptance, ratification and confirmation of the cession to the United States of certain islands of the Samoan group, 1016–1017
- Revision of Tariff Act of 1922, proposed. See Tariff legislation.
- Senate:
- Bill relating to payment of advance wages to seamen on foreign vessels, representations by foreign governments concerning, 1005–1009
- Reservations concerning U. S. accession to the Permanent Court of International Justice. See Permanent Court of International Justice: Statute of the Court: U. S. accession.
- U. S. Department of Commerce: Opinion as to desirability of a U. S.-British agreement covering reciprocal recognition of airworthiness certificates, 519; recommendation for suspension of U. S. Senate action on Aerial Navigation Convention of 1919, 491–492, 495, 517; Tri-Motors Safety Airways survey flights, request for Department of State assistance in arrangements with foreign governments, 612
- U. S. Department of Labor, views on the draft convention for the treatment of foreigners, 432–433
- U. S. military attaches, participation in exchange of Bolivian and Paraguayan prisoners, 838–839, 847, 849, 851, 853, 854, 855, 855–856, 857, 858
- U. S. Post Office Department, air mail: Contract with Pan American Airways, 557–558, 559, 561–562, 563, 564, 566, 568, 571, 585, 586, 602, 604–605, 644; request for diplomatic support for American companies awarded contracts for carrying mail to foreign countries, policy of Department of State, 542–545
- U. S. Treasury Department, views on draft convention for the treatment of foreigners, 432
- Venezuela, aviation:
- Versailles Treaty, 506–507
- Washington Naval Treaty of 1922, cited, 75, 78, 142, 148, 162, 163, 208, 224, 243, 264
- Women of American nationality married to aliens and having dual nationality, protection of, 487–488
- Yugoslavia, negotiations with United States concerning proposed naturalization treaty, 485–486