715.1715/338: Telegram

The Minister in Honduras (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State

106. With reference to Managua’s telegram November 1, 4 p.m. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has just sent me confidentially a copy of his reply, dated November 4, to the Minister of Nicaragua in which Honduras accepts the proposal of Nicaragua regarding the formation of a commission of three engineers, the third member to be named by the Department of State, to fix the boundary between the two countries in conformity with the award of the King of Spain.

The reply suggests that an appropriate protocol be signed here at once giving names of Honduranean and Nicaraguan engineers and containing a clause obliging both countries to request the appointment of an engineer who as president of the proposed commission will represent the United States.

The reply adds that under the above conditions Honduras will cooperate adequately in the prosecution of the outlaws on the border.

I am closely in touch with the authorities here in regard to these matters and this reply would indicate that the two Governments are progressing satisfactorily for the moment and I consider that the proposed visit of Beaulac suggested in Hanna’s telegram November 5, 2 p.m.,54 is not necessary.

Managua advised.

  1. Not printed.