714.1515/946a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Geissler)35
57. The Guatemalan Minister has presented to the Department a note dated September 24 from the Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs requesting this Government to continue its friendly mediation of the boundary dispute between Guatemala and Honduras. You may inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs that a reply to this communication will be forwarded to you for delivery within the near future.
Referring to telegram No. 104, October 11, 9 p.m., from Tegucigalpa, you are directed to discuss informally with the Minister for Foreign Affairs the proposal for settlement submitted by the Government of Honduras and report by telegraph the views of the Government of Guatemala with respect to (1) the acceptance of one of the jurists referred to as arbitrator and (2) the formula proposed by Honduras. The Department would be glad to have an agreement at least as to the arbitrator, subject, if necessary, to a subsequent accord regarding the conditions of the arbitration.
You should discreetly urge upon the Government of Guatemala the importance at this time of avoiding any action or the public expression of any views which might impede the initiation of negotiations which in the Department’s opinion now offer some prospect of a satisfactory conclusion.
- Repeated to the Minister in Honduras in telegram No. 77 of the same date.↩