724.3415/684: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck)

36. Your telegram No. 74, September 6. General McCoy requests you to be informed that he knows of no suggestion any neutral Commissioner can properly make to the Paraguayan Government for obtaining a prolongation of negotiations if by that phrase the Minister of Foreign Affairs refers to an extension of the life of the Commission. General McCoy points out that the Commission had its origin in the will of the Paraguayan and Bolivian Governments who concluded the Protocol of January 3 establishing the Commission for the purposes specifically set forth in the Protocol. He feels that either of the two Governments therefore can initiate steps looking to continuance of the functions of the present or of a new group of Commissioners for any purpose growing out of the controversy. But the present Commission goes out of existence under the Protocol on September 13 and can act prior to that time merely as a channel of communication so far as an eventual extension of the Commission’s life is concerned. It would seem that the Delegation of either Government may properly be employed for apprising the Commission and through it the other Government of the wishes of the initiating Government.
