724.3415/661: Telegram
The Minister in Paraguay (Kreeck) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 22—10:30 a.m.]
63. Following a long discussion with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, I feel there is apprehension and uncertainty respecting the decision of the Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation in that the proposals of settlement may not be acceptable to either or both.
The negotiations must not fail. Press reports have unfortunately prejudiced the public mind against the acceptance of any published suggestions of settlement so that to terminate negotiations September 13th would be a grave mistake. …
Therefore, permit me to suggest that the Commission send to Paraguay experts of river transportation to view sites and suggest location for a serviceable port. Certainly those sites suggested in the press will not serve the purpose. Only the investigations of an expert can locate a port satisfactorily. Such would require time, hence a basis for prolonging the negotiations to which Bolivia could not object, the investigation being in her interest.
I doubt the acceptance of any solution offered at this time even though just and equitable; it is premature and more time is needed for success.