723.2515/3346: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State


65. Peru accepts the settlement summarized in my 63, April 17, 8 p.m., with the exception of the following changes which Foreign Minister says Chile accepts:

President Leguia insists on six million dollars.
President Leguia insists on boundary line commencing at coast 10 kilometers north of Arica instead of farther north at about Escritos, but he will accept decision of engineers as to starting point as well as to boundary line following railroad in accordance with the contour of the country.
President Leguia insists on warehouse for merchandise in addition to customhouse at Arica.

Two other points were mentioned over which there will be some discussion but concerning which there is no doubt about agreement.

President Leguia wants written clause in the treaty that the Morro of Arica will be demilitarized and that Chile will erect a peace monument thereon, or at least a separate protocol to that effect.
President Leguia desires that consideration be given to the liability to military service of Peruvians born in Tacna and Arica. [Page 773] President Leguia will insist that the President of the United States of America continue his good offices for the sake of public opinion and Chile is in accord. It seems that President Leguia wants it to appear publicly that the settlement has the approval of the United States of America.

The Foreign Minister is now preparing a draft of the proposal of settlement which Chile and Peru hope President Hoover will be willing to submit to them. It will contain certain whereases, the terms finally agreed upon, and it may mention the former disagreement of the two countries over the port at Las Yaradas. It is to be sent to Lima and when it is in final form it will be transmitted to Washington.

You will, of course, desire to consider fully the wisdom of such a proposal by the President of the United States and its phraseology in case its issuance meets with your approval.
