
The Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs (Mackenzie King) to the American Minister in Canada (Phillips)8

No. 21

Sir: With reference to my Note of February 28th, 1929, regarding the recent Short Wave Radio Conference at Ottawa, I have the honour to state that according to a telegraphic communication received from the Newfoundland delegate, the Government of Newfoundland accept the recommendations of the delegates at the Conference and consider the agreement to be effective as from March 1st, 1929.

I may add that we have not yet received any information from the Governments of Cuba and Mexico as to their views on the same subject.

Accept [etc.]

O. D. Skelton

For the Secretary of State for External Affairs
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in Canada as an enclosure to his despatch No. 886, March 7; received March 11.