Treaty Series No. 886

Protocol of Progressive Arbitration, Signed at Washington, January 5, 19295

Whereas, a General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration has this day been signed at Washington by Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Perú, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Panamá, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Mexico, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and the United States of America;

Whereas, that treaty by its terms excepts certain controversies from the stipulations thereof;

Whereas, by means of reservations attached to the treaty at the time of signing, ratifying or adhering, certain other controversies have been or may be also excepted from the stipulations of the treaty or reserved from the operation thereof;

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Whereas, it is deemed desirable to establish a procedure whereby such exceptions or reservations may from time to time be abandoned in whole or in part by the Parties to said treaty, thus progressively extending the field of arbitration;

The Governments named above have agreed as follows:

Article 1

Any Party to the General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration signed at Washington the fifth day of January, 1929, may at any time deposit with the Department of State of the United States of America an appropriate instrument evidencing that it has abandoned in whole or in part the exceptions from arbitration stipulated in the said treaty or the reservation or reservations attached by it thereto.

Article 2

A certified copy of each instrument deposited with the Department of State of the United States of America pursuant to the provisions of Article 1 of his protocol shall be transmitted by the said Department through diplomatic channels to every other Party to the above-mentioned General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration.

In witness whereof the above-mentioned Plenipotentiaries have signed this protocol in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French and hereunto affix their respective seals.

Carlos F. Grisanti

Fr. Arroyo Parejo

Manuel Foster

A. Planet.

E. Diez de Medina

José Pedro Varela
Manuel Castro Quesada
José Tible Machado
Hernán Velarde
Victor M. Maurtua
Rómulo E. Durón
. [seal]
M. López Ponce
Adrián Recinos
José Falla
A. Bonamy
Raoul Lizaire

[Page 669] [seal]
Gonzalo Zaldumbide

Enrique Olaya Herrera

C. Escallón

S. Gurgel do Amaral

A. Araujo Jorge

R. J. Alfaro

Carlos L. López

Eligio Ayala

Máximo H. Zepeda

Adrián Recinos

J. Lisandro Medina

Ferdo González Roa
Benito Flores

Cayetano Ochoa
David Rosales, hijo

A. Morales
G. A. Díaz
Orestes Ferrara

Gustavo Gutiérrez

Frank B Kellogg
Charles Evans Hughes
  1. In English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French; English text only printed.