500.C114/759: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Rand)
For Root. Your telegram March 4, 3 p.m. and March 5, 7 p.m. Due to the pressure of business incident to the beginning of the administration and critical condition in Mexico, it has not been possible to consult both the President and the interested Senators, especially those with whom you discussed the matter.
With reference to the plan submitted in your telegram of March 4th, after a hasty examination of the proposal by the President, the plan to us seems to be feasible and we think well of it. Do not think it advisable for this Government to undertake to negotiate through the League Council. It would I fear have disastrous effect on the Senate. We have always negotiated with the individual governments and not through the agency of the League at Geneva. If you submit the proposal to the Council for their informal approval, it should be purely on your own responsibility as a member of the Committee of Experts. President will consult Senators with whom you talked and perhaps others as soon as possible.
I am delighted that the informal sounding out which you have been able to do with members of the Council has met with such good reception and the President deeply appreciates your efforts in this matter.