810.79611 Tri-Motors Safety Airways/160: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Armour) to the Secretary of State

513. Contents of Department’s telegram number 352, October 29, 1 p.m., brought immediately to the attention French Government which however will not recede from position that continued operation of New York, Rio, and Buenos Aires Line is contingent upon agreement with Aeropostale. It is probable that duration permission would be extended if negotiations begun even though not completed prior expiration two months period. Point conceded that permission shall not be contingent upon like agreement between Pan American Airways and Aéropostale. Department’s lack of authority in the matter understood, it being optional with line to make agreement if permission desired.

Embassy is urgently pressing for permission for Pan American Airways requested in Department’s number 258, August 12, 5 p.m.,84 which if granted would be subject same conditions as New York, Rio, and Buenos Aires permission but considered as entirely separate case.

French Government not interested in reciprocal treatment but frankly states in effect that it wants certain advantages for French air lines and has determined to use present requests of American lines as a lever to gain them, refusing permission if opportunity for successful competition by Aeropostale not assured through agreements above cited. Even though air mail contracts not asked it regards flight by ten planes as potentially a commercial venture and as quite different from flights by tourists, et cetera, which it will willingly accord without thought of compensating advantages. [Page 632] While stand is disappointing it makes clear French attitude which is one of bargaining rather than encouragement of reciprocal freedom of air navigation.

Department’s note of June 12 to French Embassy not received by either Foreign Affairs or Air Ministry but telegram being sent Embassy to ascertain disposition made thereof. Meanwhile copies of proposal have been left with Foreign Office for study with request that prompt decision be reached. Despatch follows.

  1. Ante, p. 576.