810.79611 Pan American Airways, Inc./743

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Perú (Mayer)

No. 131

Sir: Referring to your No. 384, of October 21, 1929,50 transmitting a copy and a translation of a contract between the Pan American Grace Airways and Scadta, for the reciprocal handling and transmission of Perúvian and Colombian air mail, you are informed that copies of the despatch and its enclosures were sent to the Postmaster General, with an inquiry whether similar arrangements could be made by this Government with the Pan American Airways, Incorporated, and the Pan American Grace Airways. There is enclosed a copy of a letter from the Post Office Department,51 stating that such an arrangement would not appear advisable at this time.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Francis White
  1. Not printed; but see telegram No. 201, October 20, from the Chargé in Perú, p. 60.
  2. Not printed.