810.79611 Tri-Motors Safety Airways/64: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Vice Consul at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad (Demorest)

With reference to your undated despatch No. 194219 the Pan American Airways is a reputable American concern with sound financial standing and you will please extend all proper assistance to that company in its efforts to obtain an operating permit which will enable it to bring to Trinidad United States mails under a contract which has been made with the United States Post Office Department. This Company also has contract to carry U. S. mails to Mexico, Central America, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile.

In view of reports indicating that there is a connection made or contemplated between New York Rio and Buenos Aires Line, Incorporated, and French interests the Department pending fuller information does not wish you to take any action which might serve to promote such foreign interests against those of other American firms.

  1. Received June 21, 1929; not printed.