The Secretary of State to the Spanish Chargé (Amoedo)33
Sir: I beg to refer to the Department’s note of June 12, 1929, regarding the negotiation of a reciprocal arrangement governing the admission of civil aircraft, the issuance of pilots’ licenses, and the acceptance of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft imported as merchandise, and its enclosure, a copy of the proposed arrangement which this Government then had under discussion with the Dominion of Canada.
On October 22, 1929, the United States concluded with the Dominion of Canada an arrangement governing these matters, a copy of which I now take pleasure in transmitting herewith for your information34 with the request that it be substituted in place of the model submitted with the Department’s note of June 12 under reference as a basis for further discussions in the premises.
Accept [etc.]
[Agreements by exchange of notes were effected with Italy in 1931; Germany, 1932; Great Britain, 1934; Irish Free State, 1937; and France, 1939. An agreement was similarly concluded with the Netherlands in 1932 which was to become effective only after notification to the Government of the United States of its ratification by the Queen. No arrangement was entered into with Spain.]
- Similar notes, mutatis mutandis, were sent to the British, French, German, and Italian Embassies and to the Irish and the Netherlands Legations.↩
- See note of August 29, 1929, to the Canadian Chargé, vol. ii, p. 111.↩