
The Minister in Yugoslavia (Prince) to the Secretary of State

No. 542

Sir: I have the honor to report, referring to the Department’s Instruction No. 165 of December 1, 1928,64 (File No. 711.004/16 [711.60h4/10a]) regarding the proposed naturalization agreement between the United States and Yugoslavia, that I have submitted this matter both to the Acting Foreign Minister, Mr. Komanudi, and to the King, in private audience, (cf. Legation’s Despatch No. 54165).

Both His Majesty and the Acting Foreign Minister inform me that they approve of the Department’s suggestion in this connection and I urged upon these authorities the necessity of some haste, as [Page 486] I told them that our Government was desirous of closing up the matter of such agreements regarding naturalization practically at once.

I therefore hope that any opposition which I am informed might arise from General Hadjich, the … Minister of War, may be removed and that the matter will soon be concluded.

I have [etc.]

John Dyneley Prince
  1. See instruction No. 2993, December 1, 1928, to the Ambassador in France, Foreign Relations, 1928, vol. i, p. 499.
  2. Not printed.