The Minister in Latvia (Coleman)12 to the Secretary of State
[Received July 1.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s Instruction No. 632, of May 29, 1929,13 inquiring in regard to the negotiations for a Treaty of Naturalization between Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, respectively, and the United States, as forwarded in the Department’s Instructions Nos. 582, 583, and 584, of December 1, 1928.14
In this connection, I have the honor to state that copies of these draft treaties were sent to the governments concerned under cover of identical Notes all dated January 7, 1929, these Notes embodying the contents of the Instructions transmitting these treaties to the Legation. The Latvian and Estonian Foreign Offices acknowledged the receipt of the Legation’s Note on January 25 and 28, 1929,13 respectively. No reply has as yet been received from the Lithuanian Government. On June 10, 1929, the Legation sent Notes, copies of which are enclosed herewith, to the Latvian and Estonian Governments,13 requesting them to expedite the consideration of the matter. A similar Note is now being forwarded to the Lithuanian Government.
If replies are not received from any of these Governments within 2 weeks, the Legation will have the matter taken up orally, and the results will be promptly communicated to the Department.
I have [etc.]