800.114N16 Information/1705

The Chargé in Japan (Neville) to the Secretary of State

No. 1270

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s instruction of April 1, 1929, informing the Embassy of the conclusion of an arrangement, with the British Government for the mutual exchange of information [Page 392] in regard to seizures of narcotic drugs and in regard to persons who are known to be engaged in carrying on illicit traffic in drugs.

In compliance with the Department’s instructions, the Embassy addressed a note to the Foreign Office suggesting the desire of the Government of the United States to conclude with the Japanese Government an arrangement similar to that concluded with the British Government. A reply has now been received from the Foreign Office stating that the Japanese Government is prepared to welcome the conclusion of such an arrangement and to instruct its Diplomatic and Consular Officers to cooperate with their American colleagues or the appropriate American authorities (if in American territory) in collecting and forwarding information that will lead to the seizure of illicit narcotic drugs and the detection or apprehension of persons engaged in the traffic. In an annexe to its note the Foreign Office submits a list of the competent Japanese authorities to whom the information in question should be forwarded in Japan.

A copy of the note from the Foreign Office, with its annexe, is transmitted herewith.

I have [etc.]

Edwin L. Neville

The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Shidehara) to the American Chargé (Neville)

No. 86/Ts

Monsieur le Chargé d’Affaires: I have the honor to refer to your Note No. 481 of April 23rd last,6 in which you were good enough to inform Baron Tanaka, my predecessor in office, of the arrangement now existing between the United States Government and the British Government for the exchange of information relating to the seizure of illicit narcotic drugs and to persons engaged in this traffic. You also stated that your Government would welcome the conclusion with the Japanese Government of an arrangement similar to that in effect with the British Government, and were prepared, if agreeable to the Japanese Government, to instruct their Diplomatic and Consular Officers to co-operate with their Japanese colleagues, or the competent Japanese authorities (if in Japanese territory), in collecting and forwarding information that will lead to the seizure of illicit narcotic drugs and the detection or apprehension of persons engaged in this traffic.

I am happy to state in reply that the Japanese Government welcome the proposal of your Government and are prepared to co-operate with them in forwarding information of the nature indicated above. The Japanese Government, for the attainment of the object in view, agree [Page 393] to instruct their Diplomatic and Consular Officers to co-operate with their American colleagues, or the competent American authorities (if in American territory), in collecting and forwarding information that will lead to the seizure of illicit narcotic drugs and the detection or apprehension of persons engaged in this traffic. Your Government will be so good as to issue the necessary instructions, and to inform me of the competent American authorities to whom such information should be communicated by the Japanese Diplomatic and Consular Officers in the United States. I beg to set forth in the Annexe7 a list of the competent Japanese authorities to whom the information in question should be forwarded in this country.

I beg [etc.]

Baron Kijuro Shidehara
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.