
The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

No. 969
L. of N. No. 1399

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a note addressed to you on July 12, 1929, by the Acting Secretary General of the League of Nations,25 communicating the text of a report on the amendment of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice, made to the Council of the League by a Committee of Jurists appointed at its session of December, 1928 (document II in the enclosed publication, A.9.1929.V).26

Also, I quote below a communication on the same subject addressed to me on July 12 by Sir Eric Drummond:

“I am sending you officially a document about the meeting of a special conference during the first week of the Assembly to discuss the amendments of the Permanent Court Statute proposed by the Jurists Committee, of which Mr. Root was, as you know, a prominent member.

“To that official letter I should like to add a line to the effect that I am personally convinced that if your people thought it desirable to send anyone to the conference to follow the work at first hand and, should necessity arise, to put views before it, not only would no objection be raised, but the representatives of the states which have been convoked to the conference would be delighted.

[Page 22]

“Please regard this as a quite unofficial and personal communication, but it may be of some interest to you to have this opinion.”

I have [etc.]

For the Minister:
C. Gross

Third Secretary of Legation
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not reprinted.