500.C114/796: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Wilson) to the Secretary of State


44. On eve of Drummond’s departure yesterday for Lisbon and Madrid, I delivered to him letter and message transmitted in your No. 57, May 27, 6 p.m.

I think he is thoroughly conversant with situation and inadvisability of the matter’s being publicly discussed until you can lead the way. He told me that three steps have been determined as definite:

Submission of the draft protocol to the Council at this meeting;
In event of agreement by Council, official transmission of the protocol to all interested governments including the United States;
Putting the matter on the agenda of Assembly for September meeting of that body, as its agreement is also necessary.

Drummond believes that all of the foregoing steps, certainly the first two, can be accomplished as routine matters which will furnish occasion for little or no discussion; and that official transmission immediately following the meeting of the Council will enable you to lead discussion in way you desire.

[Page 15]

Further procedure has not been definitely settled as yet. Sir Eric believes, nevertheless, that conference of all states which are signatories to statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice (this will include Brazil) may well be held during period of next Assembly to consider draft protocol; in this connection see fourth paragraph, page three, document C.142.M.52.1929.V. April 2.20 This conference may well decide to open protocol at once for signature with ratification to follow. In this event, protocol would be open at once, of course, to the United States for signature with subsequent ratification.

As I stated above, Drummond left last night for Lisbon, to go from there to Madrid; any further observations which you desire to offer before the Council meets might be transmitted, therefore, through our Missions in those capitals.

  1. Not reprinted.