
The Ambassador in Spain (Hammond) to the Secretary of State

No. 622

Sir: I have the honor to report that according to information which I have received from the Director of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey in Madrid an inspector, representing the Petroleum Monopoly, was installed in the offices of Babel and Nervion, the Standard Oil Company subsidiary in Spain, on November 7th.

When the inspector presented himself in the company’s offices he handed to the Director two orders of the Government which set forth his powers and authorized him to make a full investigation of the company’s business. I am transmitting herewith an English translation of the orders in question, which have been given me by Mr. Brewster, the Director of the Standard Oil Company.

In view of the dictatorial powers of the Government and the fact that normal recourse of justice is ruled out by the Royal Decrees putting into effect the Petroleum Monopoly, Mr. Brewster did not [Page 685] feel that he could refuse to admit the inspector delegated by the Spanish Government, and he informs me that so far the inspector’s activities have been confined to studying the situation of the company’s supplies of petroleum products and making complete lists of physical property, such as various industrial plants, tanks, tankcars, etc. Another inspector supplied with the same powers has been placed in the offices of the Shell Company and is, I understand, taking similar action.

This arbitrary exercise of power by the Government has naturally added to the ill feeling of the companies, particularly as they feel that they have never been given a fair opportunity to make a fair and direct presentation of their case to the Spanish Government.

I have [etc.]

Ogden H. Hammond
[Enclosure 1]

Translation of Communication From the Director General of the General Bureau of the Stamp, Match and Explosives Tax, and Representation of the State in the Tobacco Renting Company, to the President of the Board of the Compañia Arrendataria del Monopolio de Petroleos S. A.

Excellent Sir: Under today’s date the following Royal Order has been published by the Ministry of Finance:

“Illustrious Sir: In order to insure the fulfillment of the ends aimed at by the Monopoly of importation, distribution and sale of petroleum and its derivatives, and to attend, with the necessary care demanded by the circumstances, to the preparation of the new régime to be implanted on January 1st next, it is indispensable that from this moment intervention should be made in the interested companies, without hindrance to the latter in their present business, which they may continue to follow freely until the 31st of December of this year, in their own way and for their own account.

To this end,

H. M. the King has been pleased to dispose the following:

Through the persons nominated by this Ministry, immediate intervention will be made in the companies dedicated to the importation, distribution and sale of those products covered by the Monopoly created by the Royal Decree Law of June 28th last.
The inspectors will perform their duties indistinctly [sic] in any of the above mentioned companies, it being left to the Monopoly Renting Company to decide which firm or firms be inspected by each inspector, and if the latter should work in the central office of the firm inspected or in any one or more of its installations for the storing of the products in question, or of its organizations for the distribution and sale of same.
The functions of the inspectors will comprise the following ends:
  • a) The exact knowledge of stocks of all monopolized products, for which purpose they must be furnished with all antecedents of information and checking which said inspectors may deem necessary. Not only must they know the actual stocks in general, but also full [Page 686] details regarding the way in which they are distributed throughout the country at a given moment, and the successive variations which these stocks may suffer on account of the sales effected.
  • b) The exact knowledge of the importations contracted for in relation to purchases made, of the freight contracts made with loading ports and ports of destination, dates of loading and unloading, and specifications giving the characteristics of said products in the usual way, as also prices and conditions of payment.
  • c) Detailed inventories of all the fixed and movable material constituting the fixed assets of each company with regard to storage, handling, packages, land and marine transport, distribution round the coast, pumps, and regarding the packages especially their situation in such a way as to simplify, in the opinion of the inspector, their seizure at an opportune moment when the Monopoly Company has to take over all the elements of the business.
  • d) Data relative to the office staff, as also to the technical and laboring staffs which is working with each of the inspected companies, with information as to each individual’s length of service, salary, as also the relation which each one’s work has to the other’s.
  • e) Distributing system, giving exact outline of the zone of influence of each company which may not have extended its organization throughout the country.
The inspection must be carried out with all rapidity and extension necessary in order to arrive at a rapid and exact knowledge of all the points above-mentioned, to which end the inspector may request and verify the proofs which he may consider necessary in the presence of the Director responsible for each firm.
Besides the inspector who will carry out his functions in the main or head office of each firm, this Ministry can nominate another person or persons to inspect installations in branches of the same firms already inspected in their central offices.
The inspected firms may continue freely their present business for their own account until the last day of December of this year, and in the period between now and then they will come to an agreement with the Monopoly Company, through the inspector, regarding the formula for the change of regime, reciprocating all the necessary facilities for the respecting of those interests which have to cease in the business and those of the public which the Monopoly has to serve from the 1st of January next.
An inspection will also be made of those firms whether importing of [or?] otherwise, dedicating themselves to the distillation of or obtaining of petroleum products, or merely to the distribution of same.
It will however be possible to proceed to the seizure of inspected firms before January 1st next if requested and in accord with the Monopoly Company and approved by the State representation, without prejudice to the expropriatory procedure to be made in accord with the Royal Decrees of June 28th and October 17th last.
In the event of agreed seizure, this will be dealt with in accordance with the conditions agreed upon by the firm in question and the Monopoly Company after obtaining the approval of the State representation. If the seizure should be made by the State then the [Page 687] procedure will be as dictated by the Government without prejudice to the subsequent negotiations for expropriation.

Which I inform you by Royal Order for your guidance.”

Which I transmit to you for your information and corresponding effects.

Director General
Andrés Amado
[Enclosure 2]

Translation of Communication From the Director General of the General Bureau of the Stamp, Match and Explosives Tax, and Representation of the State in the Tobacco Renting Company, to the President of the Board of the Compañia Arrendataria del Monopolio de Petroleos S. A.

Excellent Sir: By Royal Order from the Ministry of Finance, dated the 3rd instant, I am informed as follows:—

“Excellent Sir:—In accord with the advices of the Royal Order of today:

H. M. the King has been pleased to nominate Don Santiago Amigo Puis, Don José Elorriaga Amallobieta, Don Miguel de Lis Primo, Don José Maluquer Nicolau, Don José María Permanyer Catalá, Don Laureano Pujol Denis, Don Luis Ribas Pujol, Don Pedro Ribera Arazusta, Don German Sanchez Marin, Don Ricardo Toll Masoliver, Don Santiago Verdaguer Comes and Don Manuel Alonso Sañudo, to exercise the function of inspector in the firms at present dedicated to the importation, distribution and sale of those products covered by the Monopoly created by Royal Decree-Law of June 28th last.

By Royal Order I inform you, for your guidance and effect. [”]

The Lord keep you many years.

Director General
Andrés Amado