791.003/17: Telegram

The Minister in Persia (Philip) to the Secretary of State


30. Department’s telegram number 20 of May 17, 6 p.m.39 No replies have been received as yet by the majority of my colleagues to their identical suggestions, though the Italian representative had received previous instructions to acknowledge the Persian Government’s note of May 1040 in similar terms.

It is my intention to send at once the acknowledgment outlined in the first paragraph of the Department’s telegram number 19, May 16. It is my belief that action of this sort taken independently and at once will have a better effect than collectively or at a later time and that it does not in any way commit our Government. I would like renewed authorization to follow this course.

  1. Not printed.
  2. See telegram No. 26, May 10, from the Minister in Persia, p. 574.