791.003/14: Telegram

The Minister in Persia (Philip) to the Secretary of State

28. My 27, May 13, 11 p.m. There follows a translation of a form of acknowledgment of the Persian Government’s note of the 10th instant which all the diplomatic representatives of the most favored nations have agreed to submit to the consideration of their Governments.

“The Government of (blank) acknowledges the receipt of the note addressed to its Legation under date of May 10, 1927, number 1845/74, to which it will give sympathetic consideration. While reserving its ultimate decision and while taking into consideration the reasons which have necessitated the adoption of those clauses which, taken as a whole, constitute the so-called capitulations, it desires, as a preliminary, to have precise information respecting the new codes of justice and the organization of the courts which are destined to replace consular jurisdiction in Persia.”

The British and French representatives will also submit this to their Governments though the notes received by them differ from the others.
