
The Minister in Persia (Philip) to the Secretary of State

No. 341

Sir: Adverting to my despatches Nos. 329 and 330 of April 30 and May 2, 1927, respectively, in which mention was made of recent announcements concerning the intention of Persia to abolish the capitulations, I have the honor to quote in translation a statement made in the Medjlis by the Prime Minister on the 1st instant, as follows:

“I believe the honorable Deputies are aware of His Imperial Majesty’s desire to abolish as soon as possible the capitulations existing in Persia, and that he has issued a Decree to that effect. There is no necessity to mention how profitable and necessary for this country will be the attainment of this sacred aim. My intention is now to inform you that, hereafter, ‘the preparation of the grounds for the abolition of the capitulations’ will constitute the most important object of the Government’s program. I draw your kind attention, especially, to the fact that the Government’s efforts to this end will be in entire conformity with well known international facts and the lawful rights of the Persian Government”.

In the course of a conversation with the Prime Minister, on the 5th instant, he assured me that the Government has no intention of taking precipitate action in this matter, but that it desires to accomplish its purpose by perfectly friendly and legal means. He also made some remark as to the special feeling of gratitude which would be entertained by Persia toward such nations as promptly extended sympathy and assistance to her in the attainment of her national desire!

In the Medjlis there have been several speeches lauding the Shah’s action and hailing the advent of freedom from the capitulatory yoke. In this body, also, the Budget committee has disapproved the appropriation for the ensuing year to provide for the salaries and expenses of the Kargozariats (Foreign Office Tribunals) throughout the country. This action is considered entirely premature in official circles, and in all probability will be rescinded, from what I hear.

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I have [etc.]

Hoffman Philip