817.00/5204: Telegram

The Chargé in Nicaragua (Munro) to the Secretary of State

388. The worst elements among the bandits now operating in the north are Honduraneans and operations there are made much more difficult because many groups make their headquarters in Honduran territory and receive support from officials there. San Marcos and Las Manos are said to be bandit headquarters and reliable information confirmed by intelligence operatives indicates that Felix Pedro Pinel, jefe politico of Choluteca, permits bandits to use his farm at Santa Rita and gives them arms and other assistance.

Sandino also is unquestionably receiving arms and supplies from Honduranean sources. In a recent engagement in which a small American patrol was routed with one marine killed the outcome was due chiefly to the presence of 25 soldiers in Honduranean uniforms with good rifles and plentiful ammunition.

It would be most helpful if the Honduranean Government could be induced to exercise a more effective vigilance on the frontier and to remove officials who are in sympathy with the bandits. Steps should also be taken against persons who are known to be buying animals and other property stolen in Nicaragua such as Jose Calazan Valladares at El Paraiso. Since it would be difficult to make efficient representations without more complete information would it not be possible to have the military attaché visit Honduras and conduct a discreet investigation? Such an investigation by itself would tend to discourage Honduranean support of the bandits.

[Paraphrase.] According to unconfirmed reports General Chamorro is now giving aid to Sandino through Martinez Funes, the Honduran Minister of War, for the purpose of rendering it more difficult to hold a free election in 1928. Although I suspect that these reports emanate from General Moncada and his supporters, the attitude of General Chamorro towards this Legation is now frankly uncooperative, and I do not believe it impossible that he is working through some of the bandit leaders to foment disorders. [End paraphrase.]
