817.51/1850: Telegram

The Chargé in Nicaragua ( Munro ) to the Secretary of State

320. I suggest that I be authorized to issue a statement explaining the purposes of Cumberland’s survey as soon as it is definitely decided that he will come. My idea would be to say that he is being sent by the [Page 418] United States Government to investigate the country’s resources and requirements in order that the Department and the Nicaraguan Government might have the benefit of his recommendations regarding the advisability of a loan and the new public works and other purposes for which the proceeds should be used. I think that it would be well at this time to say that any comprehensive financial program which might be adopted would necessarily under present conditions have to be approved by both political parties and that the Department approves the suggestion already made by the Nicaraguan Government that the proceeds of any loan should be spent under bipartisan control. I have already talked along these lines with many members of both parties but I think that a public statement would have a good effect. Any biographical data about Cumberland would also be of interest.

As in the case of other matters discussed by the Department with Moncada, the Liberal newspapers announced Cumberland’s visit almost before I had an opportunity to speak to the President about it. One paper stated that Moncada had arranged that the survey be made.
