817.00/4960: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt)

118. Your 186, August 1, 3 p.m.81 The following statement was made public at the Executive Offices at Rapid City on July 2nd:

“In order to carry out the promise made to the Nicaraguan Government and to the Liberal Party in Nicaragua that the United States would supervise the Nicaraguan Presidential elections in 1928, to insure that all Nicaraguans may freely express their preference at the polls, it will be necessary to establish a commission to supervise the elections. It has been agreed that the Chairman of this Commission should be an American nominated by the President of the United States and appointed by the President of Nicaragua. The President will nominate for this position General Frank R. McCoy.

It will be necessary for General McCoy to visit Nicaragua before the Presidential elections in order to study conditions and to make recommendations, and he will probably leave for Nicaragua in August as the President’s representative for this preliminary work.”

You may inform President Diaz of the above, and also say that General McCoy sails August 10th and will arrive at Corinto about August 22, the exact day being communicated to you later. You will request for him the usual courtesies of the port and arrange for him to have an interview with President Diaz immediately upon his arrival in Managua. General McCoy is anxious to observe the elections of September 4 in order to familiarize himself with the manner in which elections are conducted in Nicaragua. Please see that the necessary facilities are accorded to him. Munro82 accompanies McCoy who is also bringing his aide and a private secretary.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Dana G. Munro, who had been transferred from Panama to Nicaragua as first secretary of Legation.