The Minister in Honduras (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 21.]
Sir: With reference to the Department’s instruction No. 181 of August 16, 1927, in regard to the draft of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights under negotiation between the United States and Honduras, I have the honor to report that the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Honduras has accepted the wording of Article XIX of the Treaty with Salvador instead of Article XIX of the original draft with Honduras. The accepted article appears in the amended draft with Honduras as Article XX. Dr. Dávila, however, has accepted Article XXVI in the original draft with Honduras. This appears as Article XXVII in the amended draft with Honduras.
The Article containing a most favored nation clause in regard to commercial travelers has been accepted in toto, and appears in the amended draft with Honduras as Article XI. A report on the treatment accorded to commercial travelers in Honduras by law or treaty is under preparation and will be forwarded as soon as possible.
The minor textual changes in Articles III, XI, XIV, XVII and XX of the original draft—now articles III, XII, XV, XVIII and XXI of the amended draft—which the Department stated it would be glad to have considered for adoption in the Treaty under negotiation, and the necessary verbal changes in the Preamble, in the fifth paragraph of Article VII and in the reservations at the end of Articles VII and XI—Article XI of the original draft and No. XII of the amended draft—have all been accepted.
As instructed by the Department, I have indicated on the enclosed copy of the Treaty in Spanish with Salvador all the changes which [Page 100] are required to make it correct as the Spanish text of the draft Treaty which has now been agreed to by the Honduran Minister for Foreign Affairs.
For the convenience of the Department, I am enclosing also a copy in English of the draft Treaty, which I believe conforms to the Spanish text.
I desire to invite attention to several minor changes in the Spanish text of the Article—new Article XI—in regard to commercial travelers.
I have explained to Dr. Dávila that upon receipt of this despatch the Department will have the text of the Treaty prepared in final form in English and in Spanish and will then forward them to the Legation for signature.
I have [etc.]