
Memorandum by the Assistant to the Solicitor (Barnes)

Mr. George T. Summerlin, American Minister to Honduras, called on Mr. Barnes today.

Mr. Summerlin stated that the Honduran Government was willing to accept the draft of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights as submitted to it pursuant to the Department’s instruction No. 77 of July 28, 1926.

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He stated that Honduras desired to have exceptions added at the end of Article 7 in respect of commercial arrangements of Honduras with other Central American countries, and at the end of Article 11 in respect of coasting trade of the Central American countries, similar to the exceptions in respect of these two matters at the end of Article 7 and Article 11 respectively of the Treaty signed by the United States with Salvador on February 22, 1926. He pointed out that the Department had indicated on pages 12 and 13 of its instruction No. 77 of July 28, 1926, the willingness of this Government to agree to these two exceptions if the Government of Honduras desired them. Mr. Barnes informed Mr. Summerlin that the Department would include them in the treaty.

Mr. Summerlin stated that he had been over the Spanish text of the treaty between the United States and Salvador with the Honduran officials and that it was acceptable to them. He suggested, however, that it might be gone over by the Department’s translator also.

Mr. Summerlin further stated that the Government of Honduras was not equipped to prepare the treaty for signature in the manner desired by the Department. He suggested that the Department prepare the English and Spanish text and the two copies in form for signature and send them to him. He said that he could then complete the negotiations and sign the treaty at Tegucigalpa pursuant to the Department’s instructions and the full power which he now has. Mr. Summerlin stated that if this were not done there would probably be indefinite delay in having the treaty signed.

Mr. Barnes told Mr. Summerlin that he would take up the matter of having the text prepared as he suggested; that he thought the Department would follow the suggestion.

C[harles] M. B[arnes]