883.927/31: Telegram

The Minister in Egypt (Howell) to the Secretary of State

19. Yours of February 23, 4 p.m. Egyptian Government has not reached a decision affecting the right of American archaeological institutions under article 12, law 14, 1912, and believed cannot do so under decision reached by it March 1923.

My number 9, March 24 [29], 5 p.m. [Paraphrase.] M. Lacau, the Director of Antiquities, failed in his alleged attempt since this decision was reached to have the American excavators sign an agreement. Representatives of American interests informed M. Lacau that they wanted a decision which would extend the old law through 1924. The present is not an opportune time to make representations on behalf of American institutions. See my despatch no. 459 of February 22 [23]14 regarding question of rights between Egyptian [Page 719] Government and Carter which come up for trial in Mixed Court February 26. [End paraphrase.]

  1. Not printed.