Lee, Higginson & Company to the Secretary of State
[Received September 10.]
Dear Mr. Secretary: We have submitted an offer to the Dominican Republic to sell for its account $2,500,000. 5½% Two-year notes to be secured by $3,300,000. 5½% bonds, being the remainder of the $10,000,000 Loan authorized by the Military Government of Santo Domingo March 1922 and approved by you. The proposed Contract, the Trust Indenture, a draft of the Two-year Note and a draft of the Bonds securing such Notes were sent for examination to Dr. Dana G. Munro25 September 8th. We would appreciate it if you will write us stating that the assurances set forth in the Note and Bond concerning the cooperation of the United States Government [Page 654] in the future collection of the Customs revenues and their application can be made with your consent?
Very truly yours,
- Assistant Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs; letter to Mr. Munro not printed.↩