893.74/416: Telegram
The Minister in China (Schurman) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 4—9:53 a.m.]
5. My telegram 433 of December 31.4 Yesterday W. W. Yen5 called at the Legation, apparently at the instance of the Foreign Office, and quite unofficially asked whether some compromise measure could not be suggested by the Legation which would induce the Japanese to abandon their strong diplomatic pressure in opposition to the Federal Telegraph Company’s contracts and in favor of the Mitsui Company. His suggestion was that some joint operation of the Mitsui Peking station might be arranged. It would be appreciated by the Chinese authorities if some method of relief could be devised by the American Government, as they feel that they have [Page 571] been loyally supporting American rights in spite of the great difficulties they have been called upon to face.
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- Foreign Relations, 1923, vol. i, p. 825.↩
- Prominent Chinese political leader, appointed Minister of Agriculture and Commerce on Jan. 12.↩