The British Ambassador (Howard) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honour to refer to your note of the 11th instant, in which you were so good as to inform me that the United States Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in Paris had been instructed to discuss with his British colleague the question of the alleged breach of the Arms Embargo Agreement by the French mail steamer Chantilly. I now understand from His Majesty’s Government that the United States Chargé d’Affaires in Paris is suggesting to you that, for the purpose of arresting the export of a large number of aircraft recently ordered in France, a gentleman’s agreement should be negotiated between the United States Government, the French Government and His Majesty’s Government, prohibiting absolutely the export of all aircraft to China during the present revolutionary disturbances in that country.
His Majesty’s Government have instructed me to inform you that they welcome this proposal and would be prepared to co-operate with the United States Government in the event of their deciding to approach the French Government to this end. His Majesty’s Government feel that it might be desirable to include other governments in such an agreement, for example, the Japanese and Italian Governments.
I should be grateful if you would inform me in due course of the views of the United States Government in this matter and as to the inclusion of other governments in such an agreement.
I have [etc.]