124.93/56: Telegram

The Chargé in Japan (Caffery) to the Secretary of State


155. Your 97, June 14, 5 p.m.88 I discreetly inquired of Shidehara yesterday during an informal conversation whether he had received any information from Peking with respect to the possibility that any of the principal powers would change the Legations in China to Embassies.

In reply Shidehara said that he had not received any information on the subject from the Japanese Legation and that for this reason he had not given any thought to the matter. Shidehara added that from the standpoint of his Government there would be, in any event, obvious difficulties involved, as, in the first place, the question would have to be presented to the Diet, and, secondly, next year’s budget had been voted already. He told me, however, that he would look into the matter and that if any change in the status of the Legation was contemplated by his Government, he would inform me.

  1. See footnote 85, p. 463.