706.6193/15: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Bell) to the Secretary of State

305. My 303, August 25, 10 a.m. Japanese Minister informs me that under instructions from Tokyo he is negotiating with Karakhan for the withdrawal of the latter’s note of August 19th and the substitution of another the same date which will be regarded as the original and which will omit the statements objectionable to the Japanese Government. Note will, however, undoubtedly return Japanese Minister’s note of August 18th containing our reservation and will probably hold the same or other offensive language concerning our Government as did the original.

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If this takes place I think I should ask Japanese Minister not to address me formally sending me copy of such a communication, as I do not think I should receive such a note at the hands of the representative of any government with which we maintain diplomatic relations. Otherwise I think it best to let the matter drop, as Karakhan’s note will be addressed to Japanese Minister and not to me.

Please instruct.
