311.3 B 1/229
The Minister in Switzerland (Gibson) to the Secretary of
Berne, October 14,
[Received October 28.]
No. 170
L.N. No. 597
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch
No. 153, of October 2, 1924 (L.N. No. 593),49 enclosing a document (No. A.115.1924.IX) issued
by the Secretariat of the League of Nations and embodying a resolution
adopted by the Assembly and Council, requesting the interested
governments to inform the Secretary General, before the Council meets in
December 1924, whether they are prepared to take part in a conference to
be convened in April or May 1925 for the purpose of discussing the Draft
Convention for the Control of the International Traffic in Arms,
Munitions and Implements of War.
I have now received a letter, dated October 9, 1924, from the Secretary
General of the League, enclosing a communication (C.L.140.1924.IX)
addressed to the Secretary of State in the sense of the above mentioned
resolution. This communication, as well as a copy of Sir Eric Drummond’s
letter to me, is transmitted herewith.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I have [etc.]
The Secretary General of the League of
Nations (Drummond) to the Minister
in Switzerland (Gibson)
My Dear Gibson: I am enclosing, herewith,
an official letter to the Government of the United States, with
reference to the proposed International Conference for the purpose
of concluding a convention on the control of the international trade
in arms and munitions.
The despatch of this letter is, of course, in execution of the
general instructions of the Council, and you will, I am sure,
understand that the Council did not overlook the fact that your
Government has already, through your letter to me of August 29th,
declared that it would be disposed to give favorable consideration
to an invitation to participate in an appropriate international
conference for this purpose.
As you will see, the suggestion now made is that the Conference
should be held in April or May, 1925, and I hope to hear from you,
in due course, that the proposed date is acceptable to
Believe me [etc.]
[Page 76]
The Secretary General of the League of
Nations (Drummond) to the Secretary of State
Geneva [, October 7,
Sir: At its meeting held on September 30th,
the Council adopted the following Resolution:—
“On the proposal of the Assembly the Council decides to
authorise the Secretary-General to submit to the Governments
of the States Members and non-Members of the League of
Nations the draft Convention relating to the Control of the
International Trade in Arms, Munitions and Implements of War
drawn up by the Temporary Mixed Commission, and to request
these Governments to inform him, before the Council meets in
December, whether they are prepared to take part in a
Conference to be convened in April or May, 1925, for the
purpose of discussing the draft Convention.
“The Secretary-General will communicate to the various
Governments the report of the Temporary Mixed Commission,
the minutes of that Commission and the Minutes of the
Permanent Advisory Commission relating to the discussion of
Article 9, together with the minutes of the present meeting
of the Council, in order that the representatives of the
Governments on the International Conference may have the
requisite information to enable them to come to a decision
on the problems raised on this question during the present
In execution of this decision I have the honour to enclose herewith
the draft Convention on the control of the International Trade in
Arms, Munitions and Implements of War which was drawn up by the
Temporary Mixed Commission (Document A.16.1924.IX, Annex IV.)50
The next meeting of the Council is to be held on December 8th 1924,
and I should [be] grateful if you would kindly inform me, if
possible before that date, whether the United States Government
would be prepared to take part in an International Conference to be
held in April or May 1925 for the purpose of discussing this draft
and concluding a Convention on the control of the International
Trade in Arms, Munitions and Implements of War.51 The exact date of this Conference will be
fixed by the Council at its December session.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Council’s Resolution I am also
enclosing herewith the report of the Temporary Mixed Commission for
the reduction of armaments and the report of the 3rd Committee of
the Assembly.52
[Page 77]
The report of the Temporary Mixed Commission contains that part of
the Minutes of the Commission which relates to Article 9 (Document
A.16.1924.IX. Annex V).
Further information relating to the preparations for the Conference
will be forwarded to you as soon as possible.
I have [etc.]