
The Norwegian Minister ( Bryn ) to the Secretary of State

Mr. Secretary of State: The new Immigration Bill (H. R. 6540) introduced in the House of Representatives on February 1, 1924, contains in Section 3 a definition of the term “Immigrant” and provides in Section 10 (a) for percentage limitations on immigration to the United States.

The Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Norway and the United States, concluded on July 4, 1827, contains in its Article I a provision which in the English translation reads as follows:

“The citizens and subjects of each of the two high contracting parties may, with all security for their persons, vessels, and cargoes, freely enter the ports, places, and rivers of the territories of the other, wherever foreign commerce is permitted. They shall be at liberty to sojourn and reside in all parts whatsoever of said territories; to rent and occupy houses and warehouses for their commerce; and they shall enjoy, generally, the most entire security and protection in their mercantile transactions, on condition of their submitting to the laws and ordinances of the respective countries.”

On this occasion I have the honor, acting under instructions from my Government, to apply for Your Excellency’s good offices in order that such steps as Your Excellency deem appropriate, may be taken with a view to secure that the right which Norwegian subjects and [Page 224] citizens under the terms of the treaty have to enter, sojourn and reside in the United States, may not be curtailed or made illusory by the law.

Hoping that Your Excellency will deem it expedient to intervene so that a possible conflict between the law and the treaty be avoided, I avail myself [etc.]

H. Bryn