The Norwegian Minister (Bryn) to the Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Secretary of State: Referring to your notes of the 14th and 21st instant I have the pleasure to state that I have been authorized to sign with you a liquor treaty as the one recently concluded between the United States and Great Britain with the alternative text for Article I submitted by you and with the words “in the English and Norwegian languages” to be incorporated in Article VI after the words “in duplicate.”
I enclose the text in Norwegian language.53
I beg to add that in signing the treaty my Government, which maintains its desire with regard to reciprocity and to 10 miles distance from the shore as limit within which the boarding of vessels etc. can take place, ventures to hope that in a possible revision of the treaty in accordance with Article V the Government of the United States will meet my Government’s desire in those respects.
Believe me [etc.]
- Not printed.↩