
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Geddes)

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a note, dated March 16, 1922, from His Britannic Majesty’s Embassy, informing me that the British Government had decided to terminate the protectorate over Egypt, while reserving for future agreement certain matters in which the interests and obligations of the Empire were considered to be especially involved. It was further stated that the termination of the protectorate involved no change in the statics quo as regards the position of other powers in Egypt.

My Government has therefore decided to recognize the independence of Egypt. Instructions in this sense are being sent to the American representative in Cairo, who is being further requested to bring to the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs that this recognition is subject to the maintenance of the rights of the United States in Egypt, as they have hitherto existed.

Accept [etc.]

Charles E. Hughes